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Reading is Dreaming
Reading is Dreaming
Every night when you sleep,you see different dreams with your eyes closed .
But only dreams that you can see with your open eyes is when you read a book .
As I said,Reading is Dreaming. I am totally stick by my words , because everyday I see different dreams by engaging myself in reading different books.
Each book has it's own story and each character has it's own strength , weakness , and personality.
And we get to live that character throughout the time, we read any book.
I feel connected with characters and dreamed of being that character and try to live like that . If I can dream of being different character every time than why can't you ?
Just think about that .
"Reading is a half way between your life and your dreams."
So if you want to live your dreams with your open eyes just grab a book and start reading now. It will help in making your dream come true .
At last I would like to say that :
" Reading gives us some place when we have no place to go."
Try Try but Never Cry.
In one of my blog my I have said that failures lead to success. And we should be happy with whatever we happy achieved and try to work harder more and more to fulfill our goals.
Chandrayaan 2 was just 2.1 km away from landing on the moon, and it lost contact from the ISRO.
"Few inches, kilometre, marks, minutes can make a huge difference in our life."
Today I would like to share a story of a girl, how after getting fail in exams she tried harder next time and achieve success.
"Neelam , a 18 year old girl has just passed her 12th exams with good marks.
She was very good in studies and her mind was very sharp.
She wanted to go in govt. Sector.
After taking coaching for 1 year she finally appears for the SSC exams for the first time.
This was her first attempt but she gives her 100% . After completing her exam she was pretty sure that she will be able to pass the exam.
But she was happy that at least she tried. Her parents also support her and asked her to do well next time.
After spending 1 year preparing for the exam she finally appears in the exam.
This time she was quite confident that she would be able to clear the test.
When the results arrived, she got shocked that she was just 2 marks away from clearing the exam.
She broke down in tears.
But, she didn't feel weak from inside.
She never loose hope. After this she becomes more determined and hard worker.
She tried hard this time. She also learns , what mistakes she had done in her previous exams.
She was ready to give the exam.
In her third trial, she has passed the exams. She was very happy that she has fulfilled her goal of getting a govt. Job. "
It is said that, "those who work hard and put their everything in chasing their goals,never fails."
It is true, don't make your failures your weakness, make them your strength and try more harder until you reaches your destination.
It's not about crossing the winning line, it's about how much you work hard and tried in doing so.
The real winner, is the one who "Never Gives Up".
It's about having courage to fight back next time with full power and hard work, so that destiny comes in your feet.
And no power can stop you doing so, except you.
" Try try but never cry. "
The more you tries , the better you become and the best you give.
This story relates me more with the story of chandrayaan. 1st attempt was failed. In 2 nd one we are more close in achieving the target. But I hope that next time we will definitely be able to achieve the success.
Remember one thing, The more you try , the more will be the taste of your success. And the success will make you forget how much pain and hard work you put in achieving it up
Don't change yourself....
"A change should be good not bad."
Some people change in wrong way because they have money, power, position, attitude etc.
You should change yourself but not to forget who you are. Adapt changes ,but only in good way because they will help you to grow in life.
Never change yourself in the bad way. Bring changes in yourself just to become good human being .
I have a very good story you that will help to learn more about this.
"There was a middle class family who lives in Agra. There were 3 members in that family, Ramesh kumar, his wife sarita and his daughter siya.
Ramesh and sarita are very helpful in nature. They always help other people in their difficult times.
One day Ramesh cousin sister Rekha came to his house and starts crying .
"Rekha lives in a village near Varanasi with his husband and 2 children. Her husband Shyam was a alcohol addict and waste all his money in gambling and alcohol. "
Ramesh asks rekha what happens then rekha tells about the problems which she has been going through in her life.
Than Ramesh said don't cry I have a solution for this . Ramesh brings Rekha's family in his house and said that you will live here until you are setting well.
Ramesh and sarita treats Rekha's family very well with full respect and love . He takes shyam along with him in the factory where he works. He teaches him very well about the work. Than shyam also starts earning well.
After some months Rekha's family move to their new home. Shyam left the job and start his own business. His business ran successfully and now he has lots of money ,his children also got good job and they also start earning.
Now Rekha was on clouds. She has not seen that much money in her whole life. After this she changes drastically , she has got lots of attitude and treat everyone that they are very small.
On the other hand Ramesh and his family was busy in their own life.
One day what happens is that the factory in which he work gets burn due to electric short circuit. Due to which he get unemployed.
They were very helpless as siya is going to be married in few months.
They have shortage of money.
Ramesh thought how he will manage then his wife Sarita suggests that we should take Rekha's and shyam's help. Now they have money ,hope they will help us.
The next day Ramesh and sarita visits Rekha's home.
They ask the security guard to open the door. But he refuses. He called Rekha there and tells that two people named Ramesh and Sarita are waiting outside. Then suddenly Rekha replied,They may be some beggars, she don't know them.She ask the guard to tell them to go from here, She don't have any money to give to them.
Ramesh and Sarita shatters down after listening this. Sarita starts crying, and said how can she change ? We were the one who help her in her difficult times, now she refuses to know who we are.
Times passes by, siya's marriage happens peaceful. Ramesh and Sarita never change themselves.
They remains same, after getting betrayed by Rekha, they keep on helping others. Their behavior remains the same.
After reading this story, I would just like to say that not only money changes the people, but when some people gets fame, power, position,
They become different .
Always remember your past. Who you were before and who helps you in your difficult times. If you will remember these things than you will never gonna change. You will always be same.
It takes seconds to be on heights and seconds to fall from that height.
Always be the same, don't change for anything. ... .
Bring change in society not in you.
Adapt the changes which make you a good person not a bad one. ..
"Don't change like seasons, Be like Sun because it always remains same. "
Find beauty in your flaws.....
Not even a single person in this world is perfect not even the god. Yes, everyone has flaws.
The point is that how you accept your flaws and make them as your strength.
It is said that the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Here, you should be the beholder. If you feel you are beautiful then only the world will think, you are beautiful.
If you yourself are ashamed of your flaws than nobody will gonna love you. First you have to accept these flaws and love yourself than the world will accept you and will not use these flaws against you.
Do you really think spending millions of money for your outer appearance is enough. What you think Getting beautiful from outside is more important rather than feeling beautiful from inside?
If you have the beautiful soul and heart than, it will definitely reflects on your face which will make the world forget about your flaws which you have.
For this first you have to start feeling that you are beautiful. Be confident in your skin. Don't think about your flaws, everyone have them but the point is some people accept their flaws and move forward with full belief and confidence and some just destroy their life because of self-esteem.
Don't make these flaws obstruction of your path .Use them as your strength and achieve success. Because once your are successful nobody will see your flaws . Your success will make these flaws as beautiful as your are.
If you want this to happen,you just have to feel beautiful from inside.
Because the outer beauty will shut down after time but the beauty which you have from inside will always gonna remains with you.
This will not gonna change.
In whatever condition you are whether black or white, fat or slim,
With any disability or marks , cuts , burns etc. Make yourself as strong that nobody can make fun of your appearance.
If we want world to accept you and love you, be happy in whatever condition you are. Don't try to compare your self with anyone. Just remember you are one of your kind and that's your quality .
If you'll feel beautiful than the world will appears more beautiful to you.
Your facial beauty will change by time, your body will change, people in your life will change but the one thing that will not gonna change is beautiful soul . It will always remains same . Your beautiful soul is eternal which will never gonna die.
So don't work on your outer appearance it will fade out by the time.
Be like the moon, even though it has lots of spots on it. But every night it came and shines bright and spread its brightness in this world. In the black night it shines and spread brightness. Just like it use your flaws as your strength and feel beautiful , then you are ready to shine in this dark world.... ..
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